Thursday, July 30, 2009

Back to school program

It is that time of year again --- thoughts of school clothes, sneakers, backpacks and school supplies are on all parents minds. For parents who are already struggling with unemployment or underemployment, these additional needs are overwhelming. For many years, UMEM has assisted between 100 and 145 children with their back to school needs. In Luke 10:14 Jesus said, "...let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Children who do not have the necessary basics for school ARE hindered; they cannot do their best work without the basic supplies.
Individuals and churches have always been very generous with gifts to this program. We appreciate the many hours that are spent in collecting, sorting and distributing items. We are especially thankful to the mission teams who take part in this program in a variety of ways. Without all of you this program would not be able to meet the needs of the students and schools.
In the past few years, the lists we obtain from each school seem to be longer and more specific. While we are grateful for all donations to this program, there are some things that are in great demand. The list below is in no way complete, but is meant as suggestions of our most needed items.
Funds to purchase new sneakers --- while we do accept new sneakers, it is usually more efficient if we purchase the sneakers locally with donations. Once we have the applications, we have a group that will do the purchasing and assist with packing. So, if you would like to donate the price of sneakers, that would be very welcome.
New backpacks or funds to purchase them. Needed for all ages K-teens.
3 ring binders --- schools are requiring students to have 1,2, and 3" binders. (The spiral notebooks are not on most school lists, but if you already have them, send them along.)
new socks and underwear --- for kids K-12, also adult sizes --- for the boys, we request boxers rather than briefs --- almost none of the boys are wearing briefs now.
Scientific calculators --- freshmen in our schools are expected to have one. The $10 Walmart scientific calculator is fine.

Of course the usual school supplies of pens, pencils, paper, tape, glue, crayons, markers, erasers, etc. are always needed. Any of these basics that are left after the backpacks are filled are taken to the five elementary schools and the two highschools in the area.

All items would need to be at UMEM by Aug. 14 if possible. School is starting early this year and we need to distribute the backpacks the latter part of Aug., probably by the 20th.

Blessings to all of you who support this program, you truly "heard" Jesus' call to help the children and not to hinder them.

till later,

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