Friday, March 12, 2010

March 12,2010

Hi again,

Our financial report today is a little scary. We have several outstanding bills and just under $500 in the checking account. We have been is worse shape and have gotten through, but I have to wonder if this reflects the earthquake relief work. Up until this point, our donations have been pretty steady, but they have recently dropped off. Please keep our mission in your prayers and if you have not contributed to UMEM lately, please consider doing it now. Spring is often a time when donations drop off, but it is a time when we need to gear up our summer program and of course that takes money.

The Union, Me. church is visiting UMEM in Salem tomorrow and will lend a few hands with work on site. We are excited because they will be able to use our newly renovated community room. We are anxious to have their comments on our winter's work in there.

I am going to Hampden, Me. tomorrow to do a UMEM presentation to the Greater Bangor UM Churches Cluster. I am looking forward to seeing old friends in Northern Dist. and to meeting new folks. The other presenter is Sister Lucy of h.o.m.e., Inc. I was their business manager for two years back in 78-80. Wow, that was a looong time ago. Wonder if Sister Lucy will remember me!

Till later,

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

UM Foundation Dinner

Hi again,

I spoke about UMEM at the UM Foundation Dinner last evening. This group was so welcoming and excited about the work we do in western Maine. I met some wonderful people who were just learning about us as well as some old friends. UMEM received a $2,000 grant from the foundation in 2009 that we used to establish the craft/warming center. The support from the foundation has allowed us to realize our dream of helping local crafters with the production, marketing and sales of their crafts. We are still in the beginning stages, but we have generated some excitement and local folks are coming in to check us out.

The warming center will be open tomorrow from 10-3 with Doris Stone as our hostess. We will be teaching crafters to work with wire to make pins, suncatchers, etc. Next week we may get out the sewing machines, who knows!

Till next time,